Sunday, August 13, 2006

Blog is not a discussion Board

Upon viewing some of the comments I realised that some readers of this blog must think a blog is a discussion group.
Recently a dear friend of mine, new to blogs, sent an email out suggesting readers could engage in discussion in regards to the contents of this blog. It said "if you want to know more- engage in discussion- you can talk anon if you want.Shortcut to:"
However, this is not the case. Blogs are NOT discussion groups , the blogger posts, and other people can comment on to the posts but they don't get answers as they would on a discussion group. It's not a discussion group!
So, dear friends, my apologies for any misunderstanding and I am sorry to tell you that we will all have to keep on digging God's Word for ourselves. I have time to post, but I have no time to discuss, and had I wished to do this, I would have started a discussion group on yahoo. Nevertheless, I do strongly recommend you keep tuning in as I am sure this blog will attract some interesting comments. At any rate, the questions are answered already in "The Source New Testament with Extensive notes on Greek Word Meaning" translated with notes by Dr Ann Nyland, (me) available at Hey, and keep on digging - God is still there on that archaeological site - the Bible - there are treasures yet to be discovered, and, after all, even though we have been abandoned by all bloggers everywhere from any constant discussion of any kind, we have not been abandoned by God. So, follow Paul's advice, even though, like the rest of us, he used sarcasm, while on the other hand could teach the believer about God's love, for a pattern for all of us to follow, 'love is kind'. Therefore, no matter the circumstances, continue to "live out your life in accordance with the Spirit" and continue to "think on the level of the spiritual realm" (Rom 8: 5-8). After all, "you did take hold of a spirit of adoption" , so keep on and 'bawl out aloud" (Rom Ch 8: 14-17 'The Source NT') 'to God as a child does to a caring parent' (loose translation!)
And to answer the query of disbelief about Paul beng sarcastic - or was it a suggestion that I had made the whole thing up? I'm not sure... Jesus himself was angry and overturned the tables at the Temple and called some of the Pharisees a rude thing or two.
And while on the subject of blogging, while I allow all comments and yes they can be anonymous, I would prefer it if someone is to be rude and wishes to made an attack that they would have the courage to use their real name.
One last point - this blog is about translation and not theology. Lots of doctrines have arisen that are not founded explicity on anything in the Bible. This is not to say they are wrong, but this is to point out that Christian Tradition and God's actual Word are not always the same thing, and this blog concentrates on God's actual Word rather than any theology we can or cannot deduce from it.


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